Monday, December 21, 2009

A Reunion after 20 years! - A small tribute

As I am writing this post, the one song that keeps humming in my head and playing on my lips constantly is 'Summer of 69', the feelings are exactly the same. And undoubtedly what I am going to write is about 'The Best days of my (our)Life' with emotions running high just like Bryan Adams must have, when penning the cult song of our generation.

Its been exactly 6 days since I have met them, my ol' friends but the sweet taste of the hangover is still there and will savour it forever!

It was a reunion after 20 years for IES batch 89 and what a memorable evening it was. It still gives me goosebumps and my mind goes in overdrive as if its fed on endorphins, when I think about that special evening.

Days before Reunion

I had been eagerly waiting for the D-day to arrive almost akin to a kid's excitement waiting to unwrap his birthday gifts. Well, it couldnt have been any other way, as I was to meet my long lost friends after 20 years (phew!)and catch up with them on all those wonderful 12 years that had been spent at our dear school IES, Hindu classrooms, in its corridors, labs, on the school ground, recesses, picnics, canteens, PTA's,school programs and the list is endless.

IES our school... an epitome of a school factory. A factory because it used to be (still does)always teeming with kids. Whether in classroom, school buses, at school gates or just about everywhere...and it was like a real melting pot, a reflection of our city Mumbai, in a sense. We were from all cross sections of life, truly all kinds there... and importantly we loved it for its bigness and diversity....which had in its fold so many children who eventually were to become friends for life.

Such strong is our feeling and attachment for the school that one cannot leave without feeling fervently or impassioned for it. We love it, adore it, complain about it, we are passionate about it also sometimes (yeah, sometimes) talk disparagingly about it but at the end of it we are happy we are part of it and are truly proud of it!

So it was but obvious that the days spent before the grand day were spent in pure anticipation as to what will unfold on the D day. I was actually running in my head the sequence of events which were to take place .. A huge eagerness with a little nervousness and lot of excitement. Will they or wont they recognise me (classmates) I look old/young for my age.....have I put on weight...have I done well enough for myself in the last 20 years and what if my friends have done better (or worse). It was like all of a sudden, I was going through a self assessment at the 20 year milestone. But I am sure I was not alone.

But what the hell...there was even more stronger thought that plagued my mind...I was meeting my bunch after 2 whole decades and I was all gung ho for a Deja vu... memories 20 years old which I wanted to revive so badly...that I wanted to walk down that lane all over again...again and again!

I was to meet about hundred batch mates...some close friends...some few friends who I had lost touch, some I knew barely and still some I may not have spoken in school at all. But the common link being we were all a bunch of 35 years old who had for the last 20 years been strewn all over the city, country or world and were to meet again and renew the memories which we had saved in that special place (heart) and could only be revived by us...the batch of 89 by being there all together!

D-Day arrives

Date - 19th December 2009

Place - Worli Police Swimming Pool

Time - 6 pm

Setting - Reunion of IES 1989 batch after 20 years

Firstly, as I stepped on that turf and just being there made me feel 20 years younger almost was like I had sat in a time machine and flown back to a place in time which I can describe as 'shiny and happy' was 80's remember.

It was the time of homeworks (not done), sitting on the last bench (and chatting during class), black shoes/white socks (uff!), red hairbands(never worn), crushes (and thereafter, feeling crushed), PT exercises (and the art of slacking off), short recess (biscuits) and long recess (chapati/bhaaji), the art of sharing dabba with your gang, being in classroom (but not really being there), being an outstanding student (for truly standing outside class), ranks and report cards (such a pain ) and many such wicked memories.

Coming back to the reunion...I was happy to meet all and mind you all...whether I had known them in school or didnt. It didnt matter. The whole atmosphere was so magical and pure that its difficult to describe in words.

It started with...'oh you havent changed a bit'...or 'you look just the same' and for the others who we knew by face, ' I know u, but cant remember your name'...and sometimes it was...'Oh my god,Is that really you...' . 'where have u been's and 'what are you upto's. The ice breaking continued a good amount of time till we had gone out and met every single (almost) school mate.

Some had changed fairly and most of us squarely (pun of course intended) but we still remembered the face as it was. Somehow it surprised me that I could still rememb most of my 60-70 odd classmates and more names by heart but now if you ask me names of my past office colleagues...well, I could do a lot good with a 8 GB memory drive for my brain. I guess the computers and cell phones have spoilt us rotten.

And to top it all, the event was made even more precious by the presence of a few teachers who we revered and adored (still do). Seeing them again opened the floodgates of memories of a different was indeed special moment for us to have them in our midst and we will appreciate that truly. Thank you, mams!

The party continued with gusto for 6 hours thriving on great conversation, good food, lively music, flowing booze and more importantly company of some amazing friends. The air was absolutely thick with choked emotions, familiar laughs and old sentiments of long lost friends. The evening just flew by ...and how....we wished it would never end. The buzz, the excitement, energy, nostalgia and vibes of friends thrown together again has renewed my vigour and made me feel young(er) all over again. Those 6 hours of that special evening truly encapsulated (almost)the fantastic 12 years of my school years, beautifully. And but naturally we have decided to meet again....cos' its obvious we dont want to lose this momentum again....we cant wait for another milestone (20 years) to bring this evening into our life again. In a small way or big way...lets decide that this evening shall not pass as just another special day in our life never to come back again. Lets aim for many more to come.

To all my dear friends who could not make it on this evening and for those who were not aware...we dearly missed your presence and hence we would like to do this again to make it even bigger and cherishable as the evening of 19th Dec 2009. Lets set the ball rolling!

Last but not least, for those who made it happen...Hats off to you all!....Jaydeep Palep, Anand Mhapralkar, Abhijeet Avarsekar, Mangesh Choubal, Vasudev Rane, Geetanjali Subhedar, Shilpa Tawte and I am sure I must have missed a few more names....Please forgive my ignorance. Guys, you made it happen!

Lastly all I would like to say to my dear school, teachers and schoolmates...a song which is a dedication to all those who shaped me into becoming what I am today.

You are the wind beneath my wings!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Life is a slinging match!

Imagine a right handed person suddenly has to stop using his/her right hand for doing the daily chores and make do with just a left must it feel....restricted, cramped, uncomfortable, slow, handicapped. Yes! All these and more feelings...well thats how i exactly feel right now....because thats my situation-literally & figuratively for the last few days. Which i must add that few days already seems like a zillion years.
And above all that you can add a dash of pain and slice of extra discomfort to make it a complete story of my life in a SLING!
Yes...its a fracture! confirmed the doc looking at the x ray and then at me woefully....fracture of my right hand, i said to myself and then I realised that its not just my bone which had broken (thankfully in one place only)but also my confidence in a surreal way. I now understand the importance of the 'feeling of independance' in literal sense because life has become a real slinging match, with me fighting for every single inch of flexibility every single moment and my broken bone denying it by gnawing at my inner muscles tearingly.

We in our daily grind of life take so many things for granted that we fail to appreciate what we already have and then BOOM! It hits you from behind so suddenly and severely... just like the car that banged into our car, that you are forced to look at the rear view mirror of life to assess what happened.

Well, this fracture has brought into being whole lot of factors which I never knew existed or even if existed never surfaced before.
-For starters, life can change in seconds...and i m not promoting DOCOMO here
-I got to see Ashish's (my hubby of course) sensitive and caring side. I had no iota of doubt in my mind about his capabilities as being loving and attentive but this incident gave him a chance to display that in full glory.
-I realised with this forced break, how much I mean to my friends, relatives & colleagues...with their concerned phone calls
-Also, how much ever you think you are important at the place of goes on...sadly!
-Importance of a good night's rest as the broken bone has somehow got the knack of giving me broken sleep every single night.
- To look at positive side inspite of the situation as it helps you to deal with the situation easily
- Last but not least, the importance of being ambi-dextrous. Isnt that obvious given the condition this thought should be foremost in my mind!

So on this note, I hope to recover soon from my discomfort and at the same time gain more insights to help me sail through life's ups and downs more bravely.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Weight Challenge or Wait Challenge

I am so full of shame when I write this post about the much blogged about weight challenge which me and my dear friends Anu and Shilpa took up in June. Not only did I falter within few weeks because a holiday popped up but after I came back in 10 days I completely forgot about it conveniently. Likewise my friends who I am sure have also given up. Moreso Anu, as she is enjoying a holiday for the last month and a half - so you can safely count her out. Because I cant imagine her on a diet in the most consumerist countries of the world- USA/Canada....where all the food portions are meant for people who are neither vertically or horizontally challenged. Moreover you can get the most variety and yummiest of peanut butter and also potato chips and also ice creams...yummm....the list goes on. And as regards Shilpa I dont want to call her up lest she says...which weight challenge? As there is a strong likelihood that she also must have got a amnesia attack like me did and prefers to forget that 'it' ever happened. So here I am, after more than 3 months (it was to be a 3 month weight challenge) that I am writing a post mortem of the challenge which never was...hence Wait Challenge....looks it will have to wait some more time till I become more determined and focussed about following it.
But I am not alone, I take comfort in the fact that there are many and more out there who have had this attack of taking up the weight loss challenge and have not seen it till its end, faltering mid way or losing interest. Well, thats what statistics say! I wish the activity of thinking about losing weight itself could translate into actual weight loss. Isn't what they say, Its the thought that counts. So it should be here as well!
Anyway, jokes apart. This is serious!
A small piece of good news though is....since June when I was around 62.4 ks I have become 60 kgs in 3 months...dont ask me how.
May be the new weighing machine is being nice to me or my vision is blurring and I am 'seeing' things or may be my walking up to 5th floor office has really helped (btw I didnt stop walking up during this period). If I assume the last part is true, but that alone cant help me lose weight.
So I am still did this happen.

Since I cant expect another miracle for sure, here I am back again looking forward to brighter tomorrow with a fighting spirit in tow. Raring to go after the next 3 kgs like a cheetah after a equally faster deer...because thats how tough its going to be.
All detemined so that I achieve my objective of 57 least in 6 months if not in 3 months.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Few of my favourite things

These are a few of my favourite things...

- Waking up to the smell of just rained wet soil and then realising there is still one more hour for wake up time and getting back in bed with the cozy blankets for company

- Eating the delicious and warm, hand prepared meal by my Aai which makes me even more hungrier with its delectable aroma

- When my dear hubby runs his hand through my hair and kisses me on my forehead

-Watching my favourite films on tv with a hot batata vadas and poha all cuddled up on sofa while its rainin outside

- Going shopping for me and my family and returning with bargains which they all love.

- Surfing on and also doing up the house

- Making a lovely meal for my hubby on sunday morning and he relishing it by devouring it and then showing his appreciation by giving his warm smile which says it all

- Being with my aai, papa, hubby, sis, niece and catching up on all the antics of my niece and listening to her non stop affable jabber

- Going to Goa, Mangeshi temple which brings back all fantastic childhood memories

- Meeting cousins/friends and chatting up with them nineteen to the dozen and catching up on all the news and gossip.

- Reading up on inspiring stories, fiction -mystery, thriler, romance and humourous and mgmt books

- Writing.. ..i wish someday i get to write for some popular magazines /publications

- Travelling to unheard of places india/ abroad....treks, cycling, walks, back packing...

- Watching Movies... with a good message whether animation, serious, thriller, romantic, romcom, tear jerker etc

- Sleeping till late on Sat/Sun

- Driving on roads with no traffic

- contribute towards society esp. for causes related to environment and education

- And other things such as green mountains, beaches in winters, light drizzle, walking barefeet on dewy grass

- Walking alone in the greens and listening to the natures sounds

- Listening to lilting old melodies when tired to soothe frayed nerves

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Points to ponder!

Some Things I have learnt....
- Sometimes being by yourself helps introspection...and also take a long hard look at yourself.
- Be kind to yourself...its better late than never.
- Slow and steady wins the race...i learnt in school but understood only as an adult
- Life is 50% hard work and 50% destiny. Hard work is in your hands...if you realise that half the battle is won. Thats why its said..harder you work...luckier you get
- Positive thinking...2 most powerful words that can change your life and perspective.
- If you want something really badly and you have worked towards get it when you least expect it.
- Its not enough to get recognised with just hard need to write your own ad as well.
- In the race of life..some reach their milestones early some get there late. But whats more important is how you reached there and whether you enjoyed the journey.
- In this age of excess...its even more important to strike a balance.
- Be good...believe me you look good as well.
- Learn to give more than you receive (whole heartedly). Believe me, you get more than you give!
- Dont be never know when u may have to pass the same path
- Just like 'Things to do' list we make in office, its important for a personal 'Things to do' list.
- Health is wealth, another one I learnt in school but understood only as an adult
- Every crisis should be looked as GOD's way of testing us, the positive side is - It makes us wiser.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Ganpati -King of good times!

It's not unusual to write about Lord Ganesh or Ganpati with the season so thick in the air. It's so hard to get him out of the head. And hence a special blog for one and only Vakratunda, Ekdunta, Lambodara, Bhalchandra, Vinayaka, Ganjanan...

What is it that everybody, whether young and old, rich and poor, irrespective of any religion fondly pray, love, and adore this GOD. Of course, we know he is Vighnaharta (remover of obstacles) and Lord of Beginnings, so praying to him is something we can't do without in this age of stress and life-changing times.

But more than that, Ganpati holds such unparalleled love and fondness that it goes beyond the typical reverence associated with any other idol worship. He is a good friend, guide and confidante.

Through my personal experience in my last so many years of adult life, I have realized what it is to have someone like HIM in your life. And believe me, its not just when you are in low spirits and or facing a crisis. It could be just a typical day and a little prayer to HIM every day in the morning and before going to bed, puts me completely at ease and feel at home.

He is omnipresent, he knows, and most of all, he loves back. He is forgiving, nonjudgemental, and solves all your problems.

Undoubtedly he is brought home with much pomp and gaiety and with a heavy heart is bid farewell. With the same heavy heart, I write this blog as today was the day when we had to say Ganpati Bappa Morya...Pudhchya Varshi Lavkar ya.

We look forward to the year 2010 when we get him home again to bring good cheer and good times, which will continue to be in our hearts with his thoughts.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Bombay Meri Jaan - A 'historical' cycle ride (Courtesy Odati)

The name of the post is not a misnomer, its true and I mean it. I agree the city has gone to the dogs and beyond but thats now with intense urbanisation. If you read further you will realise that there is rich and interesting history behind our very own murky, slummy, concretised, flooded and crowded Bombay which it has now become. I keep asking why, why dont we Mumbaiites hold on to the few traces of heritage and greens which have become rarer than the white tiger.Why dont we all who care for this city either join an existing force which aims to save this city or create a new force to stop it from crumbling. The politicians here have used and abused this city like whore, milking money from any project that needs/does not need to be there. The hard working, salary earning huge middle class watches like a mute spectator and carries on his daily grind since he/she has got mouths to feed at home. First the delayed projects then the green cover which is vanishing into thin air and now they want to increase the dateline to 2000 for the slums for rehabilitation...all this for vote bank. No wonder then that 60% of Mumbai's population lives in the slums. It wont be far when all the intelligent, hard working, sincere and talented pool will leave this city for lack of quality of life..and not justfor another city in India but of out of India. Not that it has'nt happened already. Since the Government, whichever party it belongs to, does not believe in creating employment opportunities in multiple cities across India. So obviously everyone will jump on the bandwagon to come to Mumbai, Delhi, Blore or Hyderabad. Such a large country and only handful of cities for employment. Absolutely unfair and unjust distribution. Given the scenario there will always be pressure on water, electricity, land resource shortages in these cities because every city has its limit of taking within its folds a threshold population. And if that is violated there is disturbance and then chaos.
However I will come to the common man's problems later on.

But for now I would like to give some reason to feel proud for all those who have stayed in Mumbai for long as to consider its 'their own city'. It has such interesting facets to it which are not known to many which I would like to bring out in this post.
I would like to make this post in the form of a Did You Know Trivia about Mumbai which I feel will unveil its history in a dramatic manner.

1. What is Mumbai's original name?


Apparently in old days, GharaPuri Caves which is known now as Elephanta Caves was very popular in those days and since Mumbai was closest land mass, it became a reference point for the same and hence named Puri.

2. Why is South Mumbai called as Fort?

You wont believe it but there was a Fort wall which actually ran from Lions Gate to Crawford Market with a gate in between called Church Gate. The Church Gate was situated where the Flora Fountain is currently. The wall was built by Portuguese to guard/protect them against any invasions from the Arabian sea. Also the Portuguese had a clear view from these fort walls on to the sea since the 3 popular maidans were on the outside of these walls. And guess which maidans were these...yes you are right. They were the Azad, Oval and Cross Maidans.

3. Where does Church Gate get its name?

There is a St. Thomas Cathedral which is still located close to Horniman Circle and since the Gate was located closer to it, it got its name from this very Church. You can still have a look at the actual gate picture which is being framed and kept inside the St. Thomas Cathedral as soon as you enter it. Do see it if you get a chance. And thus the station gets its name from this 'Churchgate'

4. Where does the BSE has its beginnings?

The Bombay Stock Exchange started its roots within Horniman Circle under a tree.

5. How did the Britishers get the islands of Bombay?

The islands were given to the English King Charles II in dowry on his marriage to Portuguese Princess Catherine of Braganza in 1662.

6. What does Bombay stand for?

Bom Baia means Good Bay in Portuguese, later the English anglesized it to Bombay

7. Which was the famous hotel where Jamshedji Tata was refused entry as 'Indians and Dogs were not allowed'

Its the Watson Hotel located at the corner opp. Kala Ghoda. And ironically its the oldest and most dangerous building in the city today. The entire building was in those days one of the rare buildings which was imported from UK and planted here as acast iron structure.
Its rumoured that from the terrace of this buildng one could see Matheran, which is believable considering there was no pollution and also no structures beyond it. The fact that there is a Bombay Point in Matheran also proves that if one can see Bombay from Matheran then vice versa could be a strong likelihood.
And thanks to this Watson Hotel where Jamshetji Tata was refused entry today we have the world famous Taj Mahal Hotel at Gateway of India, which was built to spite the Britishers.

8. The Gateway of India was rumoured to be built to welcome King George V & Queen Mary in 1921 for his grand arrival into the country but the Gateway could not be built in time and was completed only in 1924. Again ironically it was Gateway of India where the Britishers left the country in 1948 after India's independance.

9. Whats the story behind Rajabai Towers?

The Rajabai tower was designed by Sir George Gilbert Scott, an English architect. It was modelled on Big Ben, the clock tower of the UK houses of Parliament in London.
The foundation stone was laid on March 1, 1869 and construction was completed in November 1878. The total cost of construction came to Rs. 2 lakhs (Rs. 200,000), a princely sum in those days. This entire cost was defrayed by Premchand Roychand, a prosperous broker who founded the Bombay Stock Exchange on the condition that the tower be named after his mother Rajabai.
Premchand Roychand's mother was blind and as a staunch follower of Jain religion she was supposed to consume her dinner before evening. The evening bell of the tower helped her to know the time without anyone's help.
10. VT Station

Its the only UNESCO World Heritage Site which has utlity even now.
The building was inspired by a set of drawings for Berlin Parliament buildings (never built), St. Pancras Station and Victoria Terminus London.
Fredrick William Stevens, a very reputed architect designed and constructed the building based on a water colour masterpiece sketched by draughts-man Axel Herman. The construction of the building commenced in the month of May 1878, and was completed by the month of May 1888.

While still under construction, the terminus was opened to public on Jan 1, 1882.
During the Golden Jubilee of the Queen in year 1887, the terminus was named as Victoria Terminus.

In 1850, the Great Indian Peninsular Railway built its railway terminus in this area and named it Bori Bunder, because the area near the terminus was locally referred to as ‘Bori Bunder’ or a place where bories (sacks) are stocked. On November 18, 1852, a locomotive hauled some coaches on a trial run from Bori Bunder to Thana. On April 16th, 1853, an inaugural train with 14 railway carriages and 400 guests left Bombay's Bori Bunder Station at 15:45, for Thane, with a 21-gun salute.

11. Asiatic Library

The Asiatic Society of Mumbai was founded by Sir James Mackintosh, a distinguished lawyer, jurist and public figure in England who became the Recorder or the King's Judge for Bombay. Known then as the Literary Society of
Bombay, it met for the first time on Nov 26, 1804 and aimed at promoting useful knowledge, particularly such as its now immediately connected with India.The Town Hall which houses the Asiatic Society of Mumbai is heritage building, located deep in the city's historic
Fort area, shaped by colonial geography, architecture and sculpture. Built on the Bombay Green, it has an axial orientation and west facing view. As one stands on the top step of the main entrance stairway, the magnificent city vista spread out in front offers, if one looks carefully enough, a slice of history. It is rumoured one could actually see the sea from the topmost step of the Asiatic Library. The circular Elphinstone Garden ( now Horniman Cirlce) in front, St. Thomas Cathedral and Flora Fountain ( now Hutatma Chowk) beyond, Mumbai Samachar
building, the area's oldest Agiary and other beautiful residential and office buildings make a walk in the neighbourhood an experience full of interwoven textures of past and present. The dramatic flight of 30 steps up the Town Hall, the pedimented portico with its eight Doric columns, the wrought iron divided Regency banister leading up to the vestibule, the easy chairs in the Periodicals Room with the matching footstools that facilitate browsing and the majestic
Durbar Hall all combine to create and impression of the Society as organically connected through colonial history to its immediate environs, while yet remaining its crest jewel.

Weight Challenge Week - Week 3

Its been 3 weeks since I (we actually) started the weight challenge and 9 weeks to go. And i am wee bit lighter. I have been consciously trying to eat right food and also having light dinner with more salads included. The only thing I need to put in order is my exercise regime. The swimming sessions seem to be getting affected with the onset of rains and also the atmosphere not permitting me to get out of bed....its so, not a weather for swimming...u would rather go some place out of town and enjoy warm cup of coffee sitting in a open balcony overlooking a picturesque setting with ofcourse with your special next to you. But ofcourse i am digressing here...i guess the side effects of fresh rains has taken a toll on me.
Coming back to where I started, I am confident now that if I resume my swimming or brisk walking sessions will definitely have desired effect combined with my healthy diet.
The goal of losing 6 kgs does not seem unlikely as I thought earlier but may be possible in 4 months instead of 3 months due to a delayed serious start.
The weight check will happen tomorrow this space. I hope I have lost some weight. Fingers crossed!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

3 Month Weight Challenge- Continued

Today is the first week completion of my weight challenge which started on June 5.
Bad news per feedback received from both my friends Anu and Shilpa, they have cheated on their diets...including yours truly. We could not control our respective nerves to resist the temptation of sweets that were dangled before us. And all of 3 of us gave in to the sweet temptation and committed the forgiving sin. Forgiving because we have the right to forgive ourselves in such moments of weakness.

But the good news is all 3 of us are still raring to go and have decided to let bygones be bygones and treat it like a warm up week where we were allowed to cheat and eat, which was forgiven if confessed. And all 3 readily confessed to each other, which means we go scotfree and can now look forward to the next 3 months witha fresh perspective.
On a personal note..I am confessing here that last week was not just the first week of my so called 3 month weight challenge but also the most excruciating. Because when I had that basundi and the ragda pattice not only did i cheat eat but I bunked my swimming sessions for 4 days of the week. I so totally failed the warm up round....that it felt like a cold shoulder given to weight challenge right at its infancy stage.
So here I am raring to go in my second week...where I am planning not to miss my single swiiming session, walk up the 5 floors to my office and also change my (and hubby's) dinner diets.
We realised we end up having dinner at 10 which is not good considering its beeen written somewhere that there should be atleast a gap of 3 hours before one hits the bed. Well, we dont hitting the bed at 1 pm nor can we have dinner at 8, so we are planning to alter the dinner itself.
It will be sprouts in the misal style and fruits (apples/oranges or seasonal fruit) and if still hungry then a glass of milk withut any additions. No chapatis and no rice. I am hoping this will work and looking forward to losing 1 kg every week with this diet.

Also, both of us have to take care of our Triglyceride levels which have gone thru the roof. Will come back and keep posted on whether there was indeed a weight loss observed.
My weight today was 62.4 kgs. I am hoping to touch 61.4 kgs by next saturday and so with my hubby who is 90 kgs today.

Watch this space. :-)

Friday, June 05, 2009

The 3 months Weight Loss Challenge

Today the date is 5th June and the first day of our diet. Yes, you read it right - Our diet.
Why? Because me and 2 of my friends Anu and Shilpa, we all three are going on a healthy diet combined with regular exercise to help reduce our respective weight.

Shilpa - Current weight 63 kgs and in 3 months wants to be 57 kgs - To lose 6 kgs
Anu - Wants to lose 7 kgs in 3 months
Myself - Current weight 62 kgs and wants to be 55 kgs - To lose 7 kgs in 3 months
We are not looking at joining any Talwalkar's, VLCC's or Kaya's of the world but tweaking our current diet by just eating what is right, nutritious and less oily/sweet. And ofcourse in moderation.
And our mantra henceforth will be
"Fitness is a journey not a destination, it should be continued throughout your life"
We will be analysing our weights every week/fortnight to check where we have reached in our endeavour and since we 3 have more or less the same kgs to lose it will be a good way to compare notes and also prove to be a interesting game where we can compete with each other. At the end of which we all will benefit.

We are hoping it works.
As for me, I am planning to eat less for dinner and eat only sprouts (make it interesting like harbara chana bhel)and fruits.
And either swimming or brisk walks and surya namaskar to supplement the healthy diet.
Keeping fingers crossed since I have this huge sweet tooth and have a habit of straying from such routines very easily. I am one of those who can resist anything but temptation. ;-)
So there you are...
I will be writing on the status as much as I can so its easy to follow on the path.
Keep watching this space for more ...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My first Bite

Yesterday I had my first bite of the King Alphonso.. mango ofcourse! It was reddish orange in colour with a sweet, warm and intoxicating aroma. I was tantalised with its sheer presence in my palms. And as I brought it closer to my nose & lips to smell the aroma, my olfactory senses went berserk. Its the same effect every year, on me and everyone else....and no doubt its called the King of the fruits. No other fruit has that impact on your senses like the Mango. No other fruit gets so much news space in the papers and coverage on TV channels. Imagine a banana (Aam aadmi ka phal) or even an Apple (which has a saying to its credit) does not get more or even equivalent share of voice. Come summer and the only thing which Indians look forward to besides the school vacations is the Mango. Also, earlier you have the Mango during the season you are looked upon as GOD! Most of us, will wait for the prices to come down...but still a vast majority cant wait. When you gotta go, you gotta go!
This fruit truly brings out the child in are least bothered how you look when devouring this delight. The mouth changes its colour, the lips go slurping the juice right till the edges of your elbow (really..not exaggerating!..chk kids when they have it) and ofcourse licking off the last remnants of this fruit from the plate. Nothing gives more bliss than that.
Who cares abt your P's and Q's when King M is around?
Its been reported that the Mango is going to be expensive this season. So whats new I ask. Isnt it the same story every year. So who cares (again)..
So I say, Go Mango and indulge! Eat, drink and make merry (read:eat mango) because tomorrow you may diet. If you ain't eaten it this summer, it aint summer!

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Elections... Lets make a difference.

The elections are around the corner and I am sure with so much campaigning this year by NGO's and also organisations such as TATA's, The Times of India which are urging all (eligible) to vote, this year is going to be different. We esp. the middle class which is big and burgeoning as years have gone by have been always been sidelined by the parties that come to power. Its either the poor or the very rich who have benefited while the hard working,sincere and tax paying middle class left to fend for itselves. (No offence meant to non midle class)
People like us who just ask for basic issues to be tackled such better roads, cleanliness, civic sense, water, electricity, foot paths for pedestrians, green spaces, proper drainage to avoid water logging, illegal constructions to be removed. Isnt this all something which we should get anyway but unfortunately much is left for asking . Hence very naturally we have never been excited about the voting process and many amongst us may have given it a miss in the past because it means choosing between the lesser evil candidate.
And less said the better about the candidates which stand for the elections because already much has been debated and discussed on TV channels, written about in newspapers and what have you.
But here I come across a website which in its 'About us' section mentions that its sole objective is to improve the quality of life of every Indian. Check the Core group under tab 'Organsation' to know what kind of people are involved in this party.
The Professionals Party of India (PPI) is a new age political party that encourages the middle class to fearlessly participate in the political process to bring competent professionals into leadership positions in governance. Party believes that the change is possible only if the middle class comes out in large number to exercise their franchise.
They have put forth many issues which we all identify with and would like to put an end to or change it for better. They have mentioned their manifestoes on the site.
Since I stumbled on this website today, I immediately registered myself on it and saw that they have a a Open House on April 9th at Kora kendra Hall, Borivli West between 6 pm to 8.30 pm. So whoever can make it should go there to know the agenda, strategy and action plan of PPI.
Also more importantly the introduction of their party's candidates contesting from Mumbai constituency.
Since we always were lost in terms of whom to vote for, I think this would be an ideal platform to know that. Even if you cant attend for whatever reasons, during elections please keep in mind that you vote for such parties who are backed by educated professionals, non corrupt, neither religion/caste based nor believe in 'familial based' politics. Someone who would like to make our country a better place.
So in a nutshell, I would urge all to keep an eye open for such parties when you vote. Happy and fruitful voting! Also spread the message to all people who you know care to make our city/country a better place.
Jai Hind!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Unlike the name of the post, its not going to be about any horror stories nor is my life story turning to be one, at least right now. But, its about the fears each one of us carries in the back seat of our mind. Which when we confront its not such a nice place to be in, obviously. And since today is Friday the 13th I thought it would be an apt day to address this topic. Like today's Bombay Times cover story which talks about Preity Zinta and how she over came her fear of heights and did Bungee Jumping. Of course the article was not about overcoming fear or something which I am going to write about, it was more a subtle promotion for increasing tourism to New Zealand and self promotion for an actress who's not been in news for some time. Buts that's another story...

Anyway, coming back to where we started, at my company we had an interesting outbound session where we were made to do challenging activities which we would not do otherwise in our daily lives. Like rappelling from the 3rd floor or walking on a tight rope over a swimming pool and other activities such as these. Many who had vertigo problems and some who had hydro phobia overcame their fears to actually finishing these tasks successfully while others who had similar fears didn't.
And the joy I saw on the faces of those who had challenged their fears was nothing short of an expression which one would see on a child who has won his first race. It was a great achievement for them and gave them a great sense of accomplishment.
I for one, had this fear of driving a car which I over came by learning to drive - though I need to practice it regularly. Another fear is slightly funny and weird, when in the beauty parlor when your face is masked with the scrub and my eyes are closed I get claustrophobic. So I can never really enjoy my visits to the parlor especially when I need a facial. Or rather I have stopped having them. I used to have stage fear but which I over came by doing many presentations to a small group in college and in my organization and now i have learnt the trick. There is no better trick than be prepared about your subject completely, rehearse, deep breathing and drinking water to keep the throat from drying. Another fear I had though I love swimming and snorkeling was of white water rafting. But again, I did it not once but twice and I am hooked on to it.
One fear is of course which I am sure is quite common among all - fear of losing their near and dear ones. So I am not quite prepared to hear any news of about their ill health or something like that. I may put up a brave front if I hear it but in my hearts it will be difficult to bear it.
After writing all this I also wonder about little kids for e.g. My niece who is all of 4 years old and has such devil may care and fearless attitude that I am amazed. Its when we adults drill into their heads - 'Don't do this and that, or else the boogeyman will take you away or things like that.' - when they are introduced to fear when none exists.

Of course a little fear is needed to help us take cautious decisions without being foolhardy and foolishly brave. But fear needs to be limited since it obstructs us from going the whole hog and we miss many a opportunity in life. Fear is when we face it that we can actually overcome it which I realized in that Outbound session- Tapovan.
So lets abandon our fears and celebrate life with gay abandon. After all, one cant life to the fullest if we have these self created boogeyman lurking in the shadows.
Some interesting proverbs on why FEAR should be treated like plague.

Marie Curie - Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.

Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn By Living. 1960 - You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

Eric Hoffer - You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

Bertrand Russell - To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.

Michael Pritchard - Fear is that little darkroom where negatives are developed.

Anon -You don't face your fears, you stand up to them.

Ambrose Redmoon - Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, First inaugural address - The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Monday, March 09, 2009

Work Life Balance

Its been quite some time since I wanted to full comprehend the implications of work life balance. I can safely call myself a sincere and hardworking worker in office who finds it difficult to tear away from work if it demands it. Hence for the past 3 years of my married life I have been always at my tethers end to explain my dear hubby why I spent so much time at work (almost 11 hours) every day. And thats not good when you spend min 1.5 hours in traffic. So that would make it 13 to 14 hours away from home and family. That would leave me with 10 hours out of which 7 hours are meant for sleeping and just 3 hours for my loving hubby/family.
Is'nt that the irony of our lives nowadays when we are earning to have a better life but the most important years of our lives are spent not with them. And when we realise this and look back its too late to turn back the clock and remains completely non negotiable.

So I ask myself especially in these troubled times, when we are working hard to keep our seat relevant at the place of work and when working for pleasure is now become working for living, how do we try to get work life balance.
When bending over backwards to get work done at office was seen as a valiant effort by the stray workoholic in office now its what is expected of each one of us to remain relevant in the scheme of things. So that reminds me of an old adage Tough times dont last tough people do.
After much thinking and analysing the current scenario I have come to this conclusion thati ts God's way of telling us you have had the excesses now get ready for the scarcity. At the end of the day the universe always maintains a balance whether in nature or outcomes.
The cyclical nature of recession and boom period or what goes up must come down tells us that BALANCE in all respects is a must. Sometimes its within us and sometimes we are forced to earn it the hard way.
Those who move away from the balance and towards extremes have to face the outcomes.
So we need to prioritise and need to draw a line when work starts eating into family time and vice versa.
I have consciously decided to work 9 hours and if required work from home. Lets hope I am able to implement in successfully.
At the end of the day I cant let my prime years of my life go away toiling without my family next to me.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Life is calling..where are you!

I saw this line in one the liquor brand commercials and its so apt. I wonder why we ....(me & my peers who I may say have all the privileges such as a job, home, good health and good family) always crib about life and complain about what life has to offer.
We have it all on platter - the essentials its just we need to be more diligent and persistent in following our dreams.
We tend to digress or lose focus on what our goal is and hence don't always get what we set out to achieve
A simple case is my blog...which I started in 2006 but have not been able to devote much time to it. Not because there were more pressing things to attend to(that's just an excuse) but I could have very well juggled my timelines and managed to write a para a day but no! I lost interest in the novelty..the newness of blog concept and then it just fizzled out. I no longer updated my its been almost 2 years and here I am wondering why I could not do it.
Now that's this is just about a simple blog.
But in real life when we see some outstanding achievers what separates them from all the majority commoners like me is they have steely resolve, single minded focus and dedication towards achieving what they want to achieve. Well, it could be cricket, writing a book, becoming a successful entrepreneur or a professional or simply a great home maker.
The point of this post is we all have it in each of us but what separates the chaff from the wheat is how much YOU want to use the potential within you to be what you want to be.
Its simple and its straight. No magic formulas, no secret recipes and no inspirational talk.
And the ones who become legends practice it every moment of their lives.
So its not luck or fate which we keep bringing up as an excuse. The harder you work the luckier you get is not just another phrase but we need to remind ourselves that its the way of life.

So as my subject line says, Life is always knocking on our door with opportunities, its up to us to realize, wake up, open the door and embrace it.
So lets not complain...cos we may not see the opportunity that is about to pass by.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Back after a long time!

I feel so good to be typing these words on my lil blog which I started with child like enthusiasm and stopped mid way because life was busy sorting itself out with mundane things.

Here I am....not in the way Air Supply says but just that I am looking at blogging at least every Sat or Sunday when work life is on Pause or at least it should be.

Well, my next blog will be about my Bucket List or rather I would like to call it 'Things I want to do before I turn 40'....They say if you write down things positive or what your life would like to offer you then one should internalise it or think/work towards it so passionately that it eventually fructifies. How much time it takes to realise depends on each individual.

And if I put it at 40 a milestone I give myself a deadline to work towards it.

I must say the movie Bucket List was definitely instrumental in pushing me towards thinking abt this list. One gets so tied up in the daily routine of life that we keep pushing back our dreams on the back burner till we realise its too late.
Well, I for 1 have realised that its never too late and the best time to start something is NOW.

Till then I shall refine my list and make it more realistic rather than make it look like 1000 places to see before I die.
