Sunday, March 08, 2009

Life is calling..where are you!

I saw this line in one the liquor brand commercials and its so apt. I wonder why we ....(me & my peers who I may say have all the privileges such as a job, home, good health and good family) always crib about life and complain about what life has to offer.
We have it all on platter - the essentials its just we need to be more diligent and persistent in following our dreams.
We tend to digress or lose focus on what our goal is and hence don't always get what we set out to achieve
A simple case is my blog...which I started in 2006 but have not been able to devote much time to it. Not because there were more pressing things to attend to(that's just an excuse) but I could have very well juggled my timelines and managed to write a para a day but no! I lost interest in the novelty..the newness of blog concept and then it just fizzled out. I no longer updated my its been almost 2 years and here I am wondering why I could not do it.
Now that's this is just about a simple blog.
But in real life when we see some outstanding achievers what separates them from all the majority commoners like me is they have steely resolve, single minded focus and dedication towards achieving what they want to achieve. Well, it could be cricket, writing a book, becoming a successful entrepreneur or a professional or simply a great home maker.
The point of this post is we all have it in each of us but what separates the chaff from the wheat is how much YOU want to use the potential within you to be what you want to be.
Its simple and its straight. No magic formulas, no secret recipes and no inspirational talk.
And the ones who become legends practice it every moment of their lives.
So its not luck or fate which we keep bringing up as an excuse. The harder you work the luckier you get is not just another phrase but we need to remind ourselves that its the way of life.

So as my subject line says, Life is always knocking on our door with opportunities, its up to us to realize, wake up, open the door and embrace it.
So lets not complain...cos we may not see the opportunity that is about to pass by.

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