Saturday, May 09, 2020

A Happy Mother's Day - Dedication to all Mothers

In the current times, we have all been tested to our limits. It's almost akin to being thrown under a bus and then being asked to drive that same bus home.
If you are a working professional actively working from home, managing housework, and also taking care of family members, then more power to you. 
This was the stuff that nightmares were made off in bygone times, but today it's a harsh reality.
Battling the virtual meetings, with the phone in one hand and wielding the chapati rolling pin in the other, we have definitely armed ourselves with a Ph.D. in multitasking skills within a short period.
At the same time, we have been forced to introspect, dip into our inner reserves of energies, and find ways and means to deal with these unprecedented challenges. Each of us, in our own unique ways, is tackling the inner demons along with fighting the faceless universal evil out there.
Why am I ranting about it today when so much has been said and fumed by many already?
Well, amidst all this chaos and uncertainty, when all of us are seeking solutions or answers from experts out there, we have one superhuman living right among us. A superhuman who has all those qualities that the specialists are urging us to cultivate; that will help us to accept the new normal courageously and without any complaints. And that person deserves attention today more than ever.
Today is Mother's Day, my friends. And the superhuman is none other than our dear mom. 

Hard-working and Energetic – Have you seen your mom ever sitting down after a hard day's work and complaining. "Oh, I have had enough; now I need a break." Or "I can't take this anymore. You guys manage; I am going to lie down now".
Not my mom or mother in law for sure. Despite their frail frame, they are always on their feet from dawn to dusk, unfailingly toiling away as if they have access to the "Akshay Patra of Energy." It's incredible that at their age, they are more agile than any of us who are almost half their age. Sometimes, I wonder what secret sauce they have been cooking their food with all these years.

Self-sacrificing - No one can come close to being defined as self-sacrificing more precisely than our mothers. Whether it's their choices, their likes, or ideas, they will always put our interests first and their last. Period!

Unconditional Love and support – When everyone in professional circles is talking about the importance of collaborating, teamwork, supporting each other, and having each other's back in the current crisis, mothers literally can teach us a lot beyond all these ornate words. They are our strong pillars who not only support us, help us, provide us all comforts but also do not expect anything from us, unlike professional relationships. They will do it wholly and unconditionally and, more often than not, bend over backward even when their backs hurt.

Resourceful – In these tough times, we don't know what the future holds for us in terms of jobs, business, health, safety, and even existence. We have been forced to think creatively, find opportunities in stressful situations, and to keep a positive outlook. When I think about it, haven't our moms been doing that forever. Always ingenious, finding alternatives for scarce resources, finding a quick-fix for seemingly complex problems, and many a time even converting your potential recipe disaster into a lip-smacking dish.

Proactive and disciplined – Despite having a grueling day, the next morning, they will wake up at the appointed time, get back on their tired and old feet, and gently amble into the daily grind, keeping all excuses at bay. Ready to face a new day with the same vigor, they will foresee any potential lags and delays and, like a real professional tick all boxes in their packed daily schedule. They will stick to the required timelines and will not pause until the task is done. Also, they have an innate sense to sniff out any shortage, problem, and take timely preemptive action.

Nurturing and empathetic – Even after all this, they will always be ready to give a kind ear to all your woes and complaints unfailingly without missing each and every word you say. After all these years, they are still keen to know from you how your day has been, listen genuinely, and allow you to share your problems so that you feel lighter. How many people in our life are sincerely concerned about our well-being? Well, we can probably count them on our finger-tips.
These and many more qualities we need to imbibe from our mothers not just today but forever. I am sure my feelings above resonate with most of you. So much to learn from these superhumans whose value we take for granted. We as their children cannot thank them enough for all that they do for us, consistently and steadfastly. This is a dedication to my mom and mother-in-law, for simply being the superhumans they are, and also for showcasing their humane qualities with such humility and grace.

Happy Mother's Day – Aai and Mummy