Thursday, January 01, 2015

A new day, a new year, a new realization!

For many days that rolled into months, we had a 'work of art' nurturing at home. We ignored it like we would a messy crayon drawing by a little child. Thinking, if we didn't pay heed, it would stop craving for undeserved attention. However, it was not to be. This piece of art, which was till now successfully obscured by its uncertain future, suddenly started making its ugly presence felt. We didn't realize it was capable of creeping up on our neighbors, too, and 'keeping them awake' with its creative outbursts.

That which was privy to only both (hubby and me) of us till now had suddenly started getting attention far and wide. It was out there for everyone to see, just like an object d árt in an art gallery. Only, in this case, our neighbors would come visiting at odd hours, check the 'work of art,' give their vociferous feedback, and leave fuming. It somehow had a way of bringing out the emotions even amongst those who are typically unperturbed people. What's more, we had them come back repeatedly as they could not 'rave' enough about it.

As you must have realized by now, the 'art piece' was nothing to be proud of but the handiwork of a leaky pipe in our bathroom. We figured out (though late) that this artwork had indeed amassed a vast area and unexpected attention. In short, inversely proportional to the time we had spent in 'looking' at it (or into it).

But now enough was enough!

We finally decided to go to the 'he-art' of the matter and identify the problem.

I must say that this experience of a few months has left us a little wiser. Like leaky pipes, we need to fix many leakages in our career, health, money, and relationships. Here are a few learnings which I derived from this experience.

Leakage problems can be very tricky. We think we know the source of the issue, but only when the plumber breaks and opens up the facade, we realize that we have been barking up the wrong wall. The problem is somewhere else altogether. In career, health, money, and relationships, we need to go to the root of the issue and address it. Simple and quick-fix solutions will not always work.

It is essential to identify the cause of the problem at the earliest. Once identified, nip it in the bud and address it immediately. Or else, the problem can fester and then lead to minor scrapes, then cracks, and eventually a shaky foundation - just like in life.

What may appear like a small issue on the surface may have grave and major issues running deep down.

Personal issues can remain private only if given the desired attention at the right time. If not worked on at the right time, then it has the strength to become a spectacle for all to see and comment upon.

If we can't solve problems on our own, seek external help, especially from those who are experienced, wiser, and skilled in that particular area. It's good to get a specialist involved, and moreover, a different perspective does help sometimes.

I am happy to announce that the leakage in our bathroom is now a 'closed' issue. Thanks to Munnabhai, our Dr. Fix It for all seasons (no, I didn't make up his name. He is for real), it is now a 'water-tight' case!

I have said my goodbyes to mildewed walls, damp ceilings, and hideous 'artworks.'

Ready to start on a clean slate and looking forward to creating real works of art in the days ahead.

Here's to new lessons and new realizations!

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