Saturday, December 15, 2012

The 7 year hitch of a Yin and Yang

Your warm, gentle squeeze of  my shoulder at the 'threshold' of our married life,

standing tentatively on the door sill as a newly wedded husband and wife.

As you reassuringly looked at me, read my mind and my inner strife,

touch comforted my soul, quietened my nerves and questions rife.

I took my first gentle step over the threshold easing myself into a new household, people and life,

compassionate look in your eyes provided warmth for the just married bashful wife.

A special moment that I cherish in my heart even today after all these years,

you continue to show me the same quiet strength and fortitude for all my unwarranted fears.

Etched in the chest full of sweet memories, bejeweled and studded with ruby and pearl,

the heartwarming moments we have shared, experienced when we let our inhibitions unfurl.

An enchanting and magical journey so far, which has seen many an ups and equal share of downs,

drawn from your strong character and innate positive qualities, I think I have grown.

Of the many things I have learned from you which you have self-effacingly but invariably shown,

I put down my 'pen to the paper' to enlist your seven habits I cherish as they make you, YOU and are truly your own.

Habit 1
Loving and compassionate in your subtle and not so visible and undemonstrative way

You don't need to prove your feelings and shout from rooftops as your actions speak louder than your say.

Habit 2
Non-judgmental and never hurting in every word and deed you have so far shown,

very well know each person has his unique history, you give due credit and believe, to each his own.

Habit 3

You keep your word always like a real gentleman and a rare day would you fail

Even if you would, you let me know, and that is why your penchant for the commitment I hail.

Habit 4
Trusting completely without an iota of doubt, you forget, forgive and embrace with all my warts and faults

Life is never a smooth journey we know, but you make it worthwhile whether it speeds, slows down or halts.

Habit 5

On many an occasions, I have lost my mind and temper, maybe I was right, justified or even wrong

You have never wavered and always remained calm and composed in spite of the heated atmosphere around

Habit 6
There had been times when situations demanded a lot of mental strength, courage and rigor

You have invariably shown me through your farsightedness - the logical side, with much patience and candor

Habit 7
Last but not the least what entices me about you is your sweet innocence and helping nature with one and all

Also, your ability to make me laugh, pamper, cajole and dote on me when I need it most of all!

Happy seven-year hitch to you my yang. And wishing us many more such fulfilling years!!!

Disclaimer - Firstly, the blog post is not yet over...there's still more to come. Like there are two sides to a coin and two sides to a it is in this case. So, before you get the impression that 'My Yang' is a Prince Charming plus Mark Darcy plus Indiana Jones plus Peter Parker plus Mr. Knightly and what have you, all rolled into one. Let me clarify the same.The time has still not yet arrived for the dream sequence where the couple in question rides gently into the iridescent sunset. So just relax and hang on to your romantic notions and premature deductions! ;-)
Ride they do, this Yin and Yang, but it's never a gentle, smooth ride, is it? (except in Mills & Boon and Fifty Shades of Grey, maybe). Like any journey, there are pitfalls, boulders, and mountains to circumvent. After all, a journey becomes more enriching and meaningful with experiences such as these and only through them do the individuals realize the true potential and strength of their relationship with each other.

So here I go yet again, providing another perspective to how I have seen you 'My Yang' and your seven ineffective habits in the last seven years of our journey together.

Of the many things, I have learnt from you which you have self-effacingly but invariably shown,
today I put down my 'pen to the paper' to enlist your seven habits I have not so cherished as they make you, YOU and are truly your own.

Habit 1
Wet Towel and Clothes strewn across the floor, newspapers lying around such an eye sore, my earnest pleas go but all in vain,
For the umpteenth time, I tell myself that I am not going to put all this back in place again. And there I go again!

Habit 2
I agree, time is money and precious too, in many many ways,
but one can't be punctual and time bound all days and always.
So in a party, wedding, social gathering or a friend's place.
It’s ok to be late but uff! I never can escape your restless moves and intense & piercing gaze (hinting me to move)

Habit 3

You sometimes are so lost in thoughts and much preoccupied too that you tend to ignore people you know without meaning to.
Your Yin, your parents, brother and also friends may understand you, but the rest of them apparently have no clue.

Habit 4
There are but four things that you truly enjoy that get your undivided attention, without they yearning for you.
Not in any order is football, long walks, sleeping, and reading. Oh god, what do I do?

Habit 5
The weekends are meant for fun times, to engage in something light, frivolous and footloose.
But you are picky even when it comes to watching films in movie halls unless IMDB gives a thumbs up through its critical feedback and reviews. 

Habit 6
Occasionally you watch television but once ensconced on the sinking couch you prove.
That aimlessly surfing from news to sports channels can be a headache for yours truly though an 'intense and active' sport for you.

Habit 7
Your bathroom singing is fine as long as the lyrics are correct and in tune.
But alas, you kill me softly with your inventive lyrics, even the late songwriter might turn in his tomb.

All said and done, your seven (ineffective) habits may irritate and even anger me on odd days.
But the fact that you tolerate my idiosyncrasies and, even more, insufferable habits too, I must say we complement each other in many ways!

Happy seven-year hitch to you my yang!

Yours truly,


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