Saturday, February 07, 2009

Back after a long time!

I feel so good to be typing these words on my lil blog which I started with child like enthusiasm and stopped mid way because life was busy sorting itself out with mundane things.

Here I am....not in the way Air Supply says but just that I am looking at blogging at least every Sat or Sunday when work life is on Pause or at least it should be.

Well, my next blog will be about my Bucket List or rather I would like to call it 'Things I want to do before I turn 40'....They say if you write down things positive or what your life would like to offer you then one should internalise it or think/work towards it so passionately that it eventually fructifies. How much time it takes to realise depends on each individual.

And if I put it at 40 a milestone I give myself a deadline to work towards it.

I must say the movie Bucket List was definitely instrumental in pushing me towards thinking abt this list. One gets so tied up in the daily routine of life that we keep pushing back our dreams on the back burner till we realise its too late.
Well, I for 1 have realised that its never too late and the best time to start something is NOW.

Till then I shall refine my list and make it more realistic rather than make it look like 1000 places to see before I die.
