Such a cliched subject...but what to do, I am still a sucker for such topics.
I am always drawn towards DIY's and quick fix solutions, norman vincent philosophy, how to do this and that and 10 easy steps to being a better personality... kind of writings. It may be becos I always feel that there is so much to each one of us and how much we can constantly learn new things and absorb from our surroundings.
I know the day u stop updating yourself, reading and imbibing aspects around you one can become a relic, redundant and hence useless.
So when I stumbled on my friends blog with the heading "9 easy ways to a smarter you".....
i jumped at it, read thru it slowly, soaking each word and decided to put it up on my blog for my dear friends to know.
Ironically its a no brainer.... we all know it, its not so difficult and its exactly what most of us keep doing one way or another in our normal routine...but just to show how it helps us to be smart anyway. So here goes an interesting piece for you to know....
Your brain is like a muscle that needs exercise. You can make yourself smarter by increasing neural connections through novelty and stimulation.
They are :
1) Read a daily newspaper, literary classics and the Web.You grow smarter by reflecting on issues, events and people and forming strong opinions.
2) Associate with smart people .Engaging in conversation with a smart person is like playing tennis with a superior opponent.
3) Keep a journal.Your insights—the connections you make about your past, present and future—help to make neural connections.
4) Travel.On the road, you're forced to solve ordinary problems (food, lodging, language), all of which have become automatic at home.
5) Memorize things. Lawrence Katz, author of Keep Your Brain Alive, says memorizing people's names or other important bits of information is a great way to keep your brain fit.
6) Take up a musical instrument. Learning to play the violin, for example, involves physical coordination (working the strings and bow), intellectual challenge (reading music), sensory experience (hearing pitch and harmony), and intuitive work (mastering tempo and rhythm).
7) Play games and pursue hobbies.The philosopher Alan Watts used to praise the kind of learning that is effortless, such as the play we experienced as kids.
8) Create new routines constantly.Katz notes that unchanging routines make us intellectually flabby.
9) Change jobs and positions periodically.Remember when you were in school, learning something new every semester? Some jobs are like a 15-unit class that never ends.
Well, the last one I must do something about it...being with the same company for almost 9 years. Not a smart choice, is it ;-)
Hope you liked it and keep in mind that to be smarter, just keep learning new, interesting and stimulating things. It wont go waste!
I am always drawn towards DIY's and quick fix solutions, norman vincent philosophy, how to do this and that and 10 easy steps to being a better personality... kind of writings. It may be becos I always feel that there is so much to each one of us and how much we can constantly learn new things and absorb from our surroundings.
I know the day u stop updating yourself, reading and imbibing aspects around you one can become a relic, redundant and hence useless.
So when I stumbled on my friends blog with the heading "9 easy ways to a smarter you".....
i jumped at it, read thru it slowly, soaking each word and decided to put it up on my blog for my dear friends to know.
Ironically its a no brainer.... we all know it, its not so difficult and its exactly what most of us keep doing one way or another in our normal routine...but just to show how it helps us to be smart anyway. So here goes an interesting piece for you to know....
Your brain is like a muscle that needs exercise. You can make yourself smarter by increasing neural connections through novelty and stimulation.
They are :
1) Read a daily newspaper, literary classics and the Web.You grow smarter by reflecting on issues, events and people and forming strong opinions.
2) Associate with smart people .Engaging in conversation with a smart person is like playing tennis with a superior opponent.
3) Keep a journal.Your insights—the connections you make about your past, present and future—help to make neural connections.
4) Travel.On the road, you're forced to solve ordinary problems (food, lodging, language), all of which have become automatic at home.
5) Memorize things. Lawrence Katz, author of Keep Your Brain Alive, says memorizing people's names or other important bits of information is a great way to keep your brain fit.
6) Take up a musical instrument. Learning to play the violin, for example, involves physical coordination (working the strings and bow), intellectual challenge (reading music), sensory experience (hearing pitch and harmony), and intuitive work (mastering tempo and rhythm).
7) Play games and pursue hobbies.The philosopher Alan Watts used to praise the kind of learning that is effortless, such as the play we experienced as kids.
8) Create new routines constantly.Katz notes that unchanging routines make us intellectually flabby.
9) Change jobs and positions periodically.Remember when you were in school, learning something new every semester? Some jobs are like a 15-unit class that never ends.
Well, the last one I must do something about it...being with the same company for almost 9 years. Not a smart choice, is it ;-)
Hope you liked it and keep in mind that to be smarter, just keep learning new, interesting and stimulating things. It wont go waste!